I have nothing to show today. I didn't knit a single stitch yesterday, didn't spin, didn't do anything fiber related. Normally this would be the cue for a picture of Ramius. Ramius however, is getting his breakfast nap (not to be confused with his mid morning lie down - that comes next) and gave me a dirty look when I showed up with the camera. So this morning, I have no knitting and no cat. What I do have, however is the stunt cat. This is Post Office. He is Caleb's (also named by Caleb) but he volunteered to fill in as a stunt cat for the blog this morning. So, without further ado, I give you Post Office, the official Pink Lemon Twist Stunt Cat...
Those of you who haven't just quit reading my blog forever will be rewarded with something fibery tomorrow, even if I have to stay up really late!

Hey, if you ask me that was "creative" . Love it! Too cute! I for one will forever read your blog :)
That's the best cat name ever.
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