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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Back-ing Away, But Not Backing Off!

Sous sous

I'm working away on the back of my Sous Sous pullover.   It's moving along nicely and the other day I sat down with the pattern and counted the rest of it out.  First I figured out how many more rows in total the pattern called for, then after comparing to the total number of rows in the front, I figured out how many rows I actually needed to do and I made more notes.  I will be adding all of my notes to my project page on Ravelry, as well as here when I finish knitting this (and have confirmed that the changes I've made do work), but I'm only mathing out the first size for this.  I have no idea what changes the other two sizes will need.  

What I find extremely confusing are the projects that specifically say they knit this exactly as the pattern calls for and had no problems.  How did that work?  I love the look of the finished sweater, which is why I've kept going.  I've checked for errata and/or updates, and I have no clue how this is knit-able per the pattern.  I literally just had a thought while I was typing this and there is a Loop London group on Ravelry and they did a Sous Sous KAL.  There are just under 900 posts in the thread, but maybe the answers are somewhere in there.  I guess I know what I'll be doing this week!  


Right now I've got to go because Little Obi Dog is licking the wall.  (Why????!!?)  I'll throw in a recent picture of him just for fun before I go!

ETA:  I've figured out what's going on and the pattern is correct as far as row counts.  I'll explain later with another post and update my Ravelry project page when I've finished the project, but wanted to leave a note here to disregard my rambling in case someone is thinking about knitting this pattern and stumbled across this post.

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