Rendezvous at Dusk

Over the weekend, between checking to see if Knitty was up, I plyed the Rendezvous at Dusk singles. This is the best picture I've gotten of the color. I thought I was spinning the singles at laceweight, but when I washed the skein after I plyed it, the whole thing bloomed and the yarn is now a fingering weight. I love the way this yarn feels. If I could, I'd pass it around so you could all feel how soft it is! I have an idea of what I want to do with this yarn but I won't start until after I finish all my Christmas knitting. I have finished the first project (you know the - insert gift name here) and plan to start the other project today. There are also some sewing projects. My goal is to mail everything next Monday and then I can devote my time to doing whatever I want. Not that I haven't been doing whatever I want anyway, but after I mail the gifts, I can do it guilt free!
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