LOOK! I got my first Jaywalker done! I am in love with this sock! I know I say that about every sock I knit, but this time its real! Isn't it just yummy? This is also the strangest looking sock I've ever seen when its not on a foot. When its by itself, its kind of this sad, wrinkly lump of a sock, but when you put it on, then it becomes socky perfection. Does anyone know if Jaywalkers look better after they are blocked? I mean I'm sure it will look better after blocking, everything looks better after blocking (would I look better after blocking?) but does it lie flat like most socks do or does it always need a foot in it? Will I have to get mannequin feet to hold my Jaywalkers when I'm not wearing them? I really don't have room in my sock drawer for mannequin feet. I'm actually running out of room in my sock drawer anyway - thinking of making my bra drawer a second sock drawer - I don't think the stupid bras really need their own drawer anyway. You can't knit a bra. They could share a drawer with the pajamas. I'm off to rearrange my drawers now. Does anyone know where I can get mannequin feet?
It looks fantastic, Melanie! What yarn did you use? Hooray for more jaywalkers!
You're right. That is the prettiest heel ever. Very nice.
Cool freakin' sock.
Your Jaywalkers are da bomb!
Nice job on the Jaywalker but you always do a nice job! This is such a fun sock to knit I'm finding it hard to put it down. It's good to know that your Jaywalkers are wrinkly, too. I was beginning to think that I was doing something wrong. I can't wait to see your finished pair!
Looking good!
Hey, I really love your Jaywalker! The yarn you used for it seems to be perfect to make the pattern really "jump out" - great work!
I didn't block mine, but saw a couple pics of blocked Jaywalkers, and they looked even better than unblocked, so perhaps you should really try that? But not that I'd think that would be necessary, I think yours is perfect!
My deepest and biggest drawer has always been my sock drawer! From the time I was in 3rd grade, I have always had more socks than anything. I support socks taking over a whole dresser if possible! Mindy
Can I get the instructions for the shawl earlier as Im leaving on the 2nd of July?
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