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Friday, March 21, 2008

I'm back!

It's OK! We made it safely back from the DMV. I don't think I told you, I took Caleb along for the adventure too! I had him get a book, so he grabbed a smallish book and said, "OK Mommy, I'm ready!" I looked at the book and told him to get a chapter book. At this point he gave me a look that clearly said wherever we were going was looking less and less fun, but he went back to his room and came out with two chapter books (Magic Tree House). I guess he figured he'd rather have too much to read than not enough. So we set off, for what could have been an epic adventure. We were in and out in about 20 minutes after renewing my driver's license (no more corrective lens restriction, thank you) and renewing the plates on my husband's car. I'm beginning to think I'm not being fair to the DMV here, because this was the second time I was practically able to walk in and out painlessly. On the other hand, the first time I went there, right after we moved in, I was sent back home because I didn't have enough of all the stuff they needed. Some of the 9/11 terrorists had Virginia ID's so the state freaked out and put all sorts of new rules into effect about what you have to bring in to get a driver's license. You need all the regular things most states require (birth certificate, proof of residency), but also you practically need a DNA test, your most recent CAT scan, tax returns for the last 12 years, and a soil sample so they can verify that you do in fact live in Virginia and don't just pay electricity or gas bills there. I thought I had gotten all of the forms together, so off I went to the DMV, ready to get a brand new Virginia Driver's License. I got in line at the information desk (this person is essentially a bouncer for the DMV - they keep out the riffraff that doesn't have the necessary paperwork) and was promptly sent back home. Do you remember the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld? His brother was working the DMV information desk that day. I can't remember exactly what my transgression was, but I think I had brought in the wrong type of utility bill or something. No License For You!

Anyway, it was clearly a traumatic experience, but I did eventually get the DL and got the car registered.

Oh, you're probably wondering what the bobbins of singles are in the pictures and wishing I would shut up about the DMV already! Those are the finished singles of the Merino, Angora, and Silk that I started a while back. I finished up the last two yesterday. I think they will finish as a fingering weight, but the angora will bloom and they could end up as DK weight, when all is plied and fulled. I don't really have a plan for the finished yarn, but it was fun to spin up. I've already started spinning something else that doesn't really have a plan. Aimless Spinning - WHeeeee!



Blogger Heather said...

Ahh, Magic Treehouse. Such good books. Has he read Captain Underpants yet?

8:20 AM  
Blogger Trillian42 said...

See, from what I remember, the VA DMV was a piece of cake (granted, this was pre-9/11). The MD one, however, is the 9th circle of hell. They have the bouncers too, and when we moved here I got sent through by the bouncer, waited over an hour to get to an actual rep, and THEN was told that I didn't have the right info with me.

Needless to say, I kept my VA license for a couple of months after we moved.

Glad you survived unscathed!

8:36 AM  
Blogger Knittripps said...

I'm glad to hear that your trip to the DMV went without incident. You reminded me that I really need to get some spinning time in this weekend!

9:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh. I haven't been to VA DMV since before 9/11. But when we went to NM DMV to get licenses and plates last June and it was so like the "soup nazi". We went back and forth and had to return with contrite atttitudes to finally get processed. I have not been looking forward to the return to VA this June and getting new licenses and plates, but your experience gives me hope. We'll just make sure we take our lives' histories and all supporting documents, along with contrite attitudes the first time. :)

9:56 AM  
Blogger Connie Peterson said...

Fortunately I have not had a soup nazi experience. I thought I would one time when I was late getting my license renewed - everyone warned me that I'd end up in jail. The gal looked at my license and asked for the money and gave me a reciept! WHEW!!!

Aimless spinning - someday, perhaps I will be able to do that - I still need more purple for the 1,000 yards that Joy claims I need for the shawl she will knit for me!!

Have a blessed Easter!

11:18 AM  
Blogger ~S said...

The sad thing is until 2006 getting a drivers license in our area renewed took all of 2 minutes tops and getting a new tag for the car 30-45 minutes. Now it takes longer to get a license than a new tag. Oh how I long for the good old days.

On the other hand don't plan on getting a brand new license in our area unless you want to get in line at 5am and then it is still an all day afair.

12:43 PM  
Blogger hokieknitter said...

Such a perfect description of the VA DMV experience. I especially like when there's no other customer in the place, 4 people behind the counter, the DMV Guy makes you take a number, usually a number that says "65" or "103" and you have to take a seat. And they stand at the counter and stare at you for awhile before one of them finally decides to flip the little switch and call your number. Note that if it's the first or last of the month, there will only be one person working at the counter and 400 people sitting in the seats and your number will say "5".

1:57 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I agree before renewing license in DMV Virginia was a piece of cake. But now you need to have a lot of patience.

9:57 AM  

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