Last Thursday morning I woke up, fully expecting to blog, and discovered that little Newton had eaten yarn. I still have no idea where he found the yarn. I know yarn is both tempting and terrible for cats. I know Newton can't even sit next me while I knit without attacking the yarn. I'm very careful to keep it put up and out of his reach, I thought. He'd thrown some of it up, but having no idea where he found it or how much more he might still have in his system, we were off to the vet's office as soon as they opened. He spent the day there getting X-rays all day while they followed a Barium dose through his digestive system. By late afternoon the vet was confident that he didn't have anymore yarn in his system and he wouldn't have to have surgery. Meanwhile, Newton had been so charming and cooperative that not only did he have the entire vet's office head over heels in love with him, the nurse that was working with him that day was able to do the X-rays without additional assistance. (Maximus, on the other hand, once attacked several nurses and assistants there after getting his teeth cleaned.) At the end of the day, we were very happy (but also emotionally exhausted) to bring him back home, knowing he was healthy. Also, Newton isn't allowed full run of the house anymore overnight. (Four weeks before the yarn eating incident, he decided to jump from the upstairs to the downstairs in the middle of the night. He didn't break anything but he was definitely feeling it. He got some kitty anti-inflammatory meds for that. He's wearing us out.)

I am still knitting. I replaced all of my project bags that had drawstrings with project bags with zippers, but I'm still knitting. I've finished the first sock of my Hermione's Flamingos and have a good bit finished on my second sock. Last time I blogged about this sock I mentioned that I was loving the way the colors were pooling and I think I should clarify - I love the way Blue Moon Fiber Arts' yarns pool. They almost do a self striping thing and I enjoy it. I don't like all pooling. When I first started knitting socks I discovered very quickly that Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock, despite being a very nice base and dyed using very nice colors, pools in ways I don't like. To this day, I refuse to buy anything Lorna's Laces (or Mrs. Crosby, their other line) because of the pooling. This is silly, they dye solids too that wouldn't pool at all, but that's how frustrated I was with that type of pooling. So I guess I'm picky as to how the colors randomly line up in my knitting!
I hope to be back Thursday, but I'm just not going to make any promises at this point.
Labels: Newton, socks esk