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Thursday, July 11, 2024

A Little Understanding

Sous sous

Last time I blogged my Sous Sous pullover, I did some rambling about the pattern.  Forget all of that.  I reread the pattern, reread the errata, and found a KAL thread for Sous Sous buried in the Loop London group on Ravelry.  There, in post #740, Norah Gaughan, the designer herself says:

"The front may seem longer than the back, but they should both have the same # of rows. You might want to count rows to double check that.  So that is the same # of rows along the outside edge pre shoulder." (Emphasis is my own.)

This little post clears up everything!  My questions have been answered and the number of repeats in the pattern is correct.  I included links to the quote in my Ravelry page so if this is throwing anyone else for a loop (no pun intended), they can find this information.  Or if I decide to knit this again (the stitch pattern is pretty fun to knit).

Anyway, misunderstandings aside, I'm zipping along on the back.  I'm on my last full repeat before I start the shoulder shaping.  I think I'll actually finish this before the weather cools off!  (That's the end of October, or November around here - unless it's one of those weird Texas days that are warm between November and February.  Texas weather is weird.)



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