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Friday, September 06, 2024

We're Still Knitting Socks Around Here

Astrid socks

I've finished my first Astrid sock, and I've started on the second one.  I'm about two rounds into the colorwork at this point, so you can just barely see some floats where the knitting is rolling a bit.  These are not complicated socks, and by working the foot entirely in Charcoal it does go pretty quickly.  Unfortunately, this is one of those times where life is really crazy and I'm just not doing a lot of knitting right now.  I'm hoping to get these finished by the end of the month because then I can submit them to ESK for the third quarter Craft-A-Long (colorwork socks), but honestly, if I don't get them done it's not the end of the world.

Hope you have a great weekend.  I'm hoping I have time for a nap!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

glad to see you back! i always enjoy seeing the variety of what you're working on. best of luck with getting through whatever life is throwing at you right now, and thanks for posting when you can :)

5:31 PM  

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