...and it isn't socks today! I quickly found out that photographing puppies is different from photographing knitwear (and sleeping cats). For one thing, puppies like to run around.

Of all the knits I've photographed, not a single one got up and ran around while I was trying to take its picture. Add an older digital camera to a zippy little puppy and you get lots of pictures of puppy bottoms as they race out of the frame - and one or two great pictures of grass, without a puppy.

Eventually, they slowed down for a minute, posing with flower pots. All together now.....Awwww. (The thing on the pup's right ear is a root hanging down from the pot.)

This is the front end that's connected to the back end in the picture above - I think. Its hard to keep up with the cute little guys!

Then it was back up and time to chase the 5 year old. Caleb and the puppies had a blast playing! Its going to be really fun watching him and the dog grow up together.

Finally, it was time to settle in for a little nap. Being a smart little puppy, he chose to snuggle up with his new play buddy when it was time to rest. We'll be going back this week to pick out our puppy - they'll be just 6 weeks old and will have enough personality for us to be able to tell what kind of dog they have the potential to become. There are 5 males in this litter so we have plenty to choose from! I'll be sure to get pictures of our puppy once we figure out which one he is. I'm loving all the hints and suggestions you guys are leaving in the comments - its a big help!