It's my birthday! It's my birthday! Oh, waggy, waggy, wag! Yippeee! Ok, Mommy just told me to sit down so I could tell her what to type for my blog entry. I love blogging! You guys all leave me the nicest comments. Mommy says I'm two today. I don't know what that means, but when Mommy said that's how many scoops of food I get, I figured that means I'm going to have to lie down and stay and pay attention closely, because Mommy doesn't let me eat when I'm bouncing around like a ping pong ball. She says that's bad manners. I know about bad manners. Caleb uses bad manners sometimes and burps and that's just funny. People have the strangest ideas about what's bad manners.
I have big plans today for my birthday. I'm going to pet Ramius today. I've been practicing that a lot. I've seen the humans pet him and he makes that funny noise like our neighbors motorcycle, so I've been trying it. I walk over to him and put my foot on him and for some reason he gets really flat against the ground. Mommy says I'm not really petting him, I'm squashing him, but I think I just need more practice. I hope to get lots of practice today. Yesterday, he actually walked over to me! I wasn't even covered in tuna fish! It was amazing. I was laying on my bed and he walked over to me and looked at me. He even kind of sniffed at me and then he walked off, but HE ACKNOWLEDGED THAT I EXIST! Oh, happy, happy day! The cat looked at me! If he would just give me a chance, I could show him that I would be a good friend to him. I've seen him lick himself a lot. Mommy says that's bathing. His type of bath looks better than my type of bath (I have to go in the rain room - yuck!) and I've tried to help him take a bath. I mean, I've got a much bigger tongue than he does, so if he would let me help with his bath, it would be over much more quickly and then I could practice petting him. He doesn't like this idea very much.
Mommy says that Caleb will be getting out of school soon. I love it when he's around. We have lots of fun, and we get really crazy! Caleb is my friend. Sometimes, when it's hot, he eats these really cold, fruit flavored things. The fun part is, he's not that tall, so if I stand right next to him, I can lick one side of it while he licks the other side. It's fun to share with your friends.
Speaking of friends, I have to tell you about the new doggy friend I have now that I'm bigger. In the room that has the rain room, there is a counter with magic bowls that have water running in them. Above this counter is a window and there is another dog in this window. He looks just like me! Also, there is a person that looks just like Mommy. I can't believe that I had never seen this other dog, but the day I found him, I spent a long time standing at the counter (just like the people do - on two legs) and barking at him. I didn't want him to think I was going to let him take my family! He barked at me too, but now we mostly wag our tails at each other - he's really good looking! I wonder when his birthday is?
I'm going to go see if I can get an ice cube from Mommy now. I also need to discuss the number of meatballs we'll be having for dinner tonight. What other numbers are there besides two?
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