There was a picture today, but...
UPDATE: I have an ear infection. I'm now on antibiotics and an antihistimine/decongestant, so hopefully, I'll feel more like an actual human tomorrow.
Knitting, spinning, and my crazy life...
UPDATE: I have an ear infection. I'm now on antibiotics and an antihistimine/decongestant, so hopefully, I'll feel more like an actual human tomorrow.
I've realized though, that while I blog about spinning fairly frequently, I don't think I've introduced both of my little spinning buddies. On the left is Happy, I think you've met her before. Caleb let me put her on my spinning wheel pretty soon after I got it (but he takes her away if I upset him and make him do something he doesn't want to, like eating new food or something horrible like that). We have two or three sheep from the various Fisher-Price sets we have around here, so logically, Caleb assumed one of them should sit on my spinning wheel, sheep being the source of wool and all that.
On the right is Gribolley Nibbitt. Caleb named him too, and he's only been sitting on the spinning wheel a couple of months, but he just got named a couple of weeks ago. I had realized that my little spinning dragon didn't have a name, so I asked Caleb what his name was. Now with Caleb you never really know what he'll name something. He named a stuffed cat that looks a lot like Ramius, "Post Office," but he wanted to name Finn, "Nice Doggy." He also just recently suggested "Pumpkin" for a name for a Jack O Lantern. So, I didn't really know if he would go creative or literal when he named the dragon. As soon as I asked him what the dragon's name was, he just said "Gribolley Nibbitt." No hesitation, no thinking about it, just blurted out the name. I thought that was a wonderful name for a dragon, but didn't know if it would stick, so I asked him again about a week later. Again, "Gribolley Nibbitt." I have no idea how he remembered the name. So, now you know. I spin with Happy and Gribolley Nibbitt. And we're almost done with the neverending Merino/Kid Mohair. We're thrilled!
*I'm not usually as sick as I've been this Fall, but I think its just the adjustment to school. When Caleb started Preschool, I thought he was trying to kill me with all the wonderful germs he brought home. Now that we're in a different school, there are different germs to develop resistance to. And aren't they fun?
I also started another wee sock yesterday. This one is Seed Stitch, and I'm ready to do the heel turn. I'm using a short row heel rather than a heel flap, since these are just decorations.
Molly of the Comments yesterday asked if I really was allergic to acrylic or was it just an aversion to it? Well, Molly, I really am allergic - as in, I get an itchy rash within 30 minutes of wearing it next to my skin. This was a problem growing up (I was born in the 70's) when my mom would put a hat on me to keep me warm, as soon as she couldn't see me I'd yank it off. I was so miserably itchy with the silly thing, I never even thought about what it was doing to my hair. We didn't realize what was making me itchy until a few years ago when I realized that everything that had acrylic in it made me itch. I could go into a store and try on a sweater and without looking at the tag, tell you if it had acrylic in it. The problem is, with the development of microfibers (these are synthetic fibers that are extruded to a diameter less than one denier - fine silk is 1.25 deniers), the high end yarn companies are using acrylic in their blends. Rowan's Calmer and Debbie Bliss' Cashmerino line are two examples that use acrylic microfibers. Most people find them very soft, but they make me crazy itchy. My biggest pet peeve? Yarn catalogs and websites that list microfiber as one part of the fiber content. Microfiber can be any synthetic fiber - polyester and nylon are also made into microfibers. Tell me what kind of microfiber it is so that I don't have to go Googling around cyberspace to get more information. OK, rant over. Have a great weekend.
Of course, by now you've noticed the tiny sock next to the skein of yarn. I made this little guy last night. I thought it would be fun to put tiny socks on Christmas gifts this year. They'll pack and ship better than bows and they can be used as Christmas ornaments too! I did this one with the stitch pattern from the Blueberry Waffle Socks and I'm really happy with how cute it is. Tiny socks work up so quickly that they should be an easy, fun thing to get me started with Christmas gifts.
OK, so remember how I was spinning the Merino/Kid Mohair top and I was going to cable it? Well, I'm STILL spinning it. I've got two bobbins done - I'm putting 2 ounces on each bobbin, I have 8 ounces total- and I think that's part of my problem. I'm spinning this for socks (I know, you're shocked aren't you) and the average pair of socks takes about 100 grams or 3.5 ounces of fingering weight yarn. Theoretically, this means that once I got the first two bobbins of singles done, I had enough for socks. But, handspun yarn is usually spun tighter than commercial yarn, and more twist usually means a more compact yarn, so for the same amount of fiber, you get less yardage, even though the wraps per inch of the finished yarn might be the same as commercial yarn. On the other hand, I've never even come close to running out of yarn from a 100 gram hank of commercial sock yarn when knitting a pair of socks, so that should give me a little bit of breathing room. But, I don't want to have to go back and spin more if I run short on my knitting, because by then I'll have moved on to spinning something else. And if I'd just go ahead and finish the spinning, I should have enough for two pairs of socks and its not like I'm not going to knit two pairs of socks or anything.
As you can see, if you've followed all this, I've been kind of going back and forth in my head and trying to decide what to do. What I've been doing is nothing and ignoring the spinning in favor of knitting, but last night I decided to get going and really try to get this spun up. Then I won't have to listen to the voices in my head (unless they say something interesting).
I think the other thing that isn't helping me is that there isn't any interesting color things going on here- its just white. Its a really pretty white, very close to true white and it has a bit of shine from the Kid Mohair, but its white. Endlessly, monotonously, white. No speckles of other colors, no heathering, no shades of different whites, just white. I've promised myself that after I get this all spun up, I will spin something really fabulously interesting - and it won't be white.
So, what's a Pink Lemon to do when faced with a day of waiting and watching people hook stuff up? I started a new sweater. Above you see the back of Order and Chaos from Fionna Ellis' Inspired Cable Knits. I'm knitting it in KnitPicks Sierra (wool/alpaca) in the Mist colorway (yeah, I'm knitting with Sierra Mist). I'm doing the smallest size, which is 42 inches around. If you don't have this book, Order and Chaos is an oversized cardigan with cables inspired by treebark. For the last 3 or 4 winters, I have thrown on this huge grey hoodie that Mickael bought for himself when he got cold on a trip (its XXL- yeah - its really flattering). Anyway, I pretty much spend all winter in it running around the house trying to stay warm. So I realized that while it keeps me warm, I look pretty terrible in it. I like the color, grey is a good color for me and it goes with everything, and when I saw this sweater, I realized that this could be what keeps me warm now! Obviously, its going to need a good blocking, but I don't think that will be a problem. Its pulling itself in because its acting more like ribbing than cables right now, but it smoothes out to the correct measurements very easily. I'm about halfway done with the back at this point (yes, it knits up fast) so who knows, maybe next week you'll see a finished back. On a slightly different topic, but still fibery, remember last week when I was finishing up Scheherazade and I said I wouldn't blog until I finished unless something really, really blogworthy happened? Well it did, and it turned out, I had too much forward momentum with Scheherazade to stop. My mom sent me some new tape measures and here they are. At the top left is a sewing one with spools of thread, needles and pin cushions. The tape pull is a spool of thread. Next to it is a tea one with tea pots and tea cups and a tea pot tape pull. Then at the bottom is the new Lantern Moon Bumble Bee. The stinger is the pull for that one. Oh, and you know how they put one black sheep in each bag of sheep tape measures? Apparently, there is one Queen Bee in each bag of bee tape measures. Mom got that one and kept it for herself.
*For those of you who don't use Verizon, when you call them, James Earl Jones is the voice that tells you to please hold and that your call is important to them and they will help you as soon as they can. When James Earl Jones tells you that, you tend to believe him.
As luck would have it, I got my package yesterday in the mail. You know its going to be a good mail day when you get a box like this: Yes, there was a bit of excitement when this came in, I'll tell you. So I ripped into it as fast as I could and ...
...take a look at all the goodies! Some decaf Chocolate and Hazelnut tea, a tea sampler from Mighty Leaf (the brand of this tea cracks me up in a completely unreasonable way - no idea why), some chocolate pastery sticks, a little drawstring bag made out of the CUTEST fabric with cats playing with yarn and knitting needles (anyone know where to score some of this?), some candy made in St Paul, MN (this is where the goodies came from), a pretty mug with fall leaves on it, and (drumroll please) the handdyed yarn - in fall leaf colors! This yarn looks just like the trees in my backyard right now - mostly green but with lots of yellows, oranges, and reds showing up. Thanks so much Louise! I love it!
In other news, tomorrow we are getting the new Internet thingy! That means, however, I probably won't be able to blog tomorrow morning. Hopefully on Friday I'll be back and I won't lose Internet connections every time it rains, mists, or is cold. I'm really hoping this will be more reliable service. One of our neighbors has it and they love it, so cross your knitting needles for us!
The total pattern package is 31 pages long and includes the complete patterns for the Scheherazade stole and the Storyteller Socks. The pattern is in a pdf format and will be sent to you for download as soon as payment is made.
Click below to purchase.
Labels: Patterns for Sale
About Scheherazade, I'm still working on it. I've got most of the stole pattern done, I just have to add a few details, and take pictures of the finished stole. I'm working on the "bonus" pattern I'll include with the original pattern now. Once I finish knitting it (that will be today), I'll have to get pictures of it as well. Assuming I can get good pictures, I am hoping to finish up the pattern this week. There are a couple of technical details (computer stuff) that I have to get sorted out, but I think I know how to deal with them. If I do, the pattern will be for sale either late this week or early next week. If I'm kidding myself on the technical things, it might take longer, but this is what I'm hoping for at this point. I'll keep you updated as things progress. Please don't throw things at me if it takes longer than I hope (unless its sock yarn, then go right ahead and chunk it at me!).
The good news is that the Kleenex box and I are trying a separation and so far it seems to be going pretty well. I'm definitely on the mend and hope to have the use of both sides of my nose any day now. WOo Hoo! The bad news is that I have very little to show of a fibery nature, although I did get a bit more spinning done on the Merino/Kid Mohair. I've almost finished the second bobbin and I'm really wanting to ply and cable it and see what my yardage is.
So, what is the Pink Lemon to do when all she has to show is a bobbin of white singles you saw last week? Call for furry backup is what! So, here are the Fur Babies! Above, you can see that Finn keeps getting bigger. He's looking more dog like every day and less like a puppy. We can see what he will look like as a dog now, and we think he's going to be beautiful. He's over 30 pounds now. I think he grew last night (yes, sometimes he seems to grow like that), because he was easier to carry yesterday. I plan on carrying him for as long as I can. I'm looking into getting a bag for him. I figure if Paris Hilton can carry her dog around, why can't I? Can't you just see me walking into a yarn store with my cute little doggy? Stuffed in a large duffel bag? With maybe someone else helping me to carry him?Finn wonders why he had to get adopted by the crazy people.
Ramius also allowed a picture to be taken. He would like to let everyone know that he is personally taking over the training of Finn. We have taught Finn "come" and "sit" and we're getting there with "lie down." Ramius believes that more useful commands would be "go away" and "kneel if you must be in my presence." He is actually swatting at Finn now when Finn crowds him, which is a huge improvement. Of course, Finn thinks its funny and swats back at Ramius, and considering that Finn's paws are the size of Ramius' head, the cat does a bit of bobbing and ducking. Finn has stopped trying to tackle Ramius though, so I think that either Finn is learning cat manners, or they are getting their own relationship sorted out, or both.