Silk Singles Done...gasp, pant!

Last night I finished spinning the singles from my Silkworker "Calliope" top. It's only taken me 2 months to spin 2 ounces! I love the way it looks so far and once the singles rest, I will ply it together. I don't think its common spinning practice to let your singles rest, but the way I see it, the first bobbin was finished up a couple of weeks ago, so the twist is less active than the bobbin I finished up last night. By letting the second bobbin rest, those singles should also become less active and it will be easier to ply them together. I seem to have better luck getting a balanced ply when I do this. I suppose if I was filling two bobbins a day, I could then ply them immediately and not have any trouble then either, but I just don't get that much spinning done a day (and the Majacraft bobbins are huge too!) I will ply the two bobbins together rather than Navajo plying them and I think it will work out just fine. The bright colors are all yellows, oranges, and reddish pinks. These are analogous colors and look good together so where brights ply to brights, it should look good. The dull colors are all greens, blues, and purples which are also analogous, so where dull colors ply together that should also look good. Where dulls and brights ply together, it should just make the bright colors pop so that should look good. But wait, you say, the dull colors are complementary colors to the bright colors. Won't that make the places where dull and bright ply together look muddy? Well, it could, but that happens more when complementary colors are of equal tone and intensity than if one is bright and one is dull. It should be interesting to see how these look as a finished yarn. I'm also really curious how much yardage I'll get. I'll probably ply these together over the weekend, so next week we can see if I'm right or crazy. Either way, it sounds like fun!